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28th translation contest: "CPN contest"

Submission phase  
Oct 21 '21Nov 10 '21
Hybrid phase  
Nov 10 '21Dec 2 '21
Finals phase  
Dec 2 '21Jan 27 '22

About the Submission phase

During the Submission phase, entries may be submitted in any language pair, per contest restrictions. Contestants are allowed to edit their entries until the end of the Submission phase.

At the end of the Submission phase, all language pairs with submitted entries will be "paused" for review by the contest administrator.

About the Hybrid phase

During the Hybrid phase, individual language pairs can be placed in any of the Submission, Qualification, or Finals phases, depending on how many entries have been submitted.
  • Pairs which received fewer than 3 entries during the Submission phase will likely be placed in an "extended submission" period. If at least 3 entries are eventually submitted, the pair will be moved forward to the Finals phase.
  • Pairs which received between 3 and 7 entries will likely be placed directly into the Finals phase, where site users who list that language pair in their profile may vote for what they feel are the best entries.
  • Pairs which received more than 7 entries will likely be placed into the Qualification phase, where site users rate and tag entries in an effort to determine a smaller pool of entries which should move forward into the Finals phase.

About the Finals phase

During the Finals phase, all language pairs which have received at least 3 entries will be open for site users to vote for what they feel are the best entries. Pairs with fewer than 3 entries will not be able to have a winner determined.

At the end of the Finals phase, votes will be tallied by site staff, and winners in each pair will be announced.
Competition in this edition of translation contests is finished. Winners have been announced in 5 language pairs. Click here to view the winners »

It is now possible to discuss and provide feedback about the competition in each language pair by visiting the "Discussion & feedback" tab within each pair listed below. Submitted entries may also be discussed individually — consider congratulating the winners!

Source texts — Jump: English, Spanish

The following are the source texts for this edition of the translation contests. Contest participants are given the opportunity to submit translations of these texts into the languages of their choice. If three or more translators translate a text into a given language, the contest is "on" in that language pair. To learn more about the source texts, see the "About the source texts" section below.
– Bitcoin and the Crystal Ball by Christian Soschner
The Adam of all cryptocurrencies was invented more than a decade ago. Since the start of the internet and Jeff Bezos's glorious idea to start — lucky for us, not as Cadabra, which sounds like Cadaver — payment was a huge issue, especially fraud.
In the 1950s, credit cards were invented to solve the problem of carrying money bags with you. The first one was the Diners Card, which I still am a customer of today.


It allowed the merchant to copy the credit card information quickly on paper and hand a copy to the customer to countersign it. Its most recognizable characteristic was this swish pop sound.

Before the invention of this funny machine completing the payment process was handwritten paperwork, which just was a long process. I remember customers waiting in the line complaining, “Oh no, another one with a credit card. Now we have to wait much, much longer.” And it was true, the merchant had to get the papers out, write everything down in a readable format, check the identity of the customer and the signature, and this was time-consuming. Payment with cash compared to that was a quick and easy process—so much room for improvement for smart entrepreneurs.
– Las artes visuales digitales by Saray HH
Las artes digitales es un tipo de arte que genera al artista un lienzo en blanco rellenable casi con cualquier cosa que pueda imaginar. Rompe por completo con la forma clásica de producción artística. Los objetos dejan de ser físicos y pasan a ser efímeros, dependientes del medio digital, en un plano donde la ficción supera la realidad, donde se pueden romper, al menos de forma simulada, las leyes de la física.

Este tipo de arte, en su inmensa complejidad, es un reflejo de la propia humanidad. De como hemos evolucionado y transformado nuestra realidad combinando nuestro poder creativo y la tecnología a nuestro alcance. Formas artísticas que nos inundan por completo en nuestro día a día: a diario nos impactan cientos de expresiones artísticas digitales (fotografías, vídeos, videojuegos…). Y en este contexto, los artistas que utilizan el arte digital como medio de expresión adquieren un significado mucho mayor al del artista clásico. Su producción está más profesionalizada, se valora altamente y se tiende a combinar con el trabajo de otros artistas para crear obras conjuntas. Los artistas digitales están altamente formados, en escuelas específicas para ello, y suelen especializarse en una u otra modalidad.

Esta digitalización del arte ha globalizado el acceso al contenido que, en el contexto de una crisis como la que estamos viviendo, durante el periodo de confinamiento estricto, permitió crear ventanas de libertad tanto para creadores como para consumidores de este contenido.

About the source texts

The source texts for translation contests are typically selected by members with a goal of providing interesting and challenging material that enables top translators to show their talent.

To ensure a fair competition, efforts are made to avoid texts for which published translations exist. If you know of the existence of a published translation of any of these source texts into any language, please notify the site staff with a support request.

The views expressed in these texts should not be considered representative of the views of either staff members or the members of the community who have selected the texts.