Job closed
This job was closed at Oct 10, 2024 11:19 GMT.

Centific: [E-commerce/Retail Division] es-MX Testing Project (non-technical)

Објавен: Sep 18, 2024 05:20 GMT   (GMT: Sep 18, 2024 05:20)

Job type: Работа за превод/лекторирање/корегирање
Service required: Checking/editing

Јазици: англиски на шпански

Јазична варијанта: Spanish (Mexico)

Опис на работата:
Hope this email finds you well. This is Fei from Centific vendor management team.
We are contacting you about an exciting new opportunity for our e-commerce client. They are looking for linguists for this testing task (non-technical), which aimed at testing the online retail stores to determine the quality of the user experience. The goal is to follow the prescribed journeys to replicate the customer's experience while organically navigating the site to detect any possible functionality or localization issues.

Project Details
• Target: Spanish (Mexico)
• Service: website testing
• Content type: E-Commerce, Retail
• Tool: Webapp developed by Centific
• Hardware: Windows OS 10 or above
• Volume: each HO includes 80-100 journeys; each journey requires 20-30 mins to complete.
• Start date: On-going

• Linguist native in target language, preferably with experience in either or similar roles:
 Tester: website/User Interface testing, etc.
 Reviewer: customer reviews/product reviews/localization reviews (in-context review, bug reporting, etc.)
• Familiar with online shopping
• Excellent attention to details

If you are interested in this project and scope, can you please share your resume at [HIDDEN] and confirm the following? Thanks!
1. Willing to take free test, including 2 parts
2. Accept do task in online tools or not
3. The country you are currently living in
4. Do you have any testing experience or translation/review experience? If yes, please share some details with us. Such as content, volume and account.
5. Please list the top 5 popular online shopping sites in your country
6. How frequently do you shop online? Please specify how many times in a month for example.
7. If you shop online, can you please specify what platforms do you use the most? Please list the top 3 online shopping sites you usually visited.

Looking forward to starting collaborations with you soon! Thank you.
Hope this email finds you well. This is Fei from Centific vendor management team.
We are contacting you about an exciting new opportunity for our e-commerce client. They are looking for linguists for this testing task (non-technical), which aimed at testing the online retail stores to determine the quality of the user experience. The goal is to follow the prescribed journeys to replicate the customer's experience while organically navigating the site to detect any possible functionality or localization issues.

Project Details
• Target: Spanish (Mexico)
• Service: website testing
• Content type: E-Commerce, Retail
• Tool: Webapp developed by Centific
• Hardware: Windows OS 10 or above
• Volume: each HO includes 80-100 journeys; each journey requires 20-30 mins to complete.
• Start date: On-going

• Linguist native in target language, preferably with experience in either or similar roles:
 Tester: website/User Interface testing, etc.
 Reviewer: customer reviews/product reviews/localization reviews (in-context review, bug reporting, etc.)
• Familiar with online shopping
• Excellent attention to details

If you are interested in this project and scope, can you please share your resume at [HIDDEN] and confirm the following? Thanks!
1. Willing to take free test, including 2 parts
2. Accept do task in online tools or not
3. The country you are currently living in
4. Do you have any testing experience or translation/review experience? If yes, please share some details with us. Such as content, volume and account.
5. Please list the top 5 popular online shopping sites in your country
6. How frequently do you shop online? Please specify how many times in a month for example.
7. If you shop online, can you please specify what platforms do you use the most? Please list the top 3 online shopping sites you usually visited.

Looking forward to starting collaborations with you soon! Thank you.

Насочување вршител на услуга (назначено од лицето кое објавува работата):
info Задолжителен мајчин јазик: шпански
Тема: Интернет, е-трговија
Рок на понудување: Oct 10, 2024 11:19 GMT
Рок на испорака: Oct 11, 2024 11:19 GMT
Во врска со нарачателот:
This job was posted by a Business Enterprise member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.