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Search results: (13298 matches)
Translation Project / Vendor Management On who to translate a book for @Barbara First, consider the possibility that this is a
scammer. Second, it is perfectly legal to
translate a book for a client even without
permission of the book's copyright holder, but...
Samuel Murray 14:01
Trados support Trados Studio Freelance Plus being phased out Hello I've just realized that RWS is not longer
offering new customers the option to have a
Freelance Plus license, and they are encouraging
existing Freelance Plus users to switch to t
Samuel Murray Jun 3
Trados support Upgrade to Trados Studio 2022 No, and it gets worse... [quote]Lorenzo Rossi wrote: But from 2017 to
2022? [/quote] No, but you used to be able to
upgrade from a previous Freelance version to a
newer Freelance [u]Plus[/u] version, which would
Samuel Murray Jun 3
AI for translators and interpreters Location of this forum Probably [quote]Hans Lenting wrote: Why isn't this forum
located in the Software and Internet group, just
like the Machine Translation (MT) forum is?
[/quote] Probably because it was assumed tha
Samuel Murray May 31
Translators Associations ITI or Institute of Linguists or both? What [quote]patransword wrote: What are your
recommendations for the UK - the ITI or the
Institute of Linguists? [/quote] What are you
hoping to achieve with your membership? What are
Samuel Murray May 28
CAT Tools Technical Help Free cat tool to use on browser? WFA Wordfast Anywhere is $10 per
Samuel Murray May 27
Getting established Can I put the agencies I work with on my CV? Yes [quote]jakfaria37gm wrote: Can I put the agencies
I work with on my CV? [/quote] Yes. You have to
ask them first, though. If you don't ask them
and simply assume that they'd be oka
Samuel Murray May 25
Money matters Agences keep asking for "hourly rates" but don't in fact pay per hour. Yes [quote]Jeff Lazar wrote: Is anyone else getting
contacted by agencies who claim to want to pay an
hourly rate, but in fact have a set amount of time
that the project is expected to take?<
Samuel Murray May 24 membership Renew or not renew Ask yourself Ask yourself what you get for your money. You
don't often post in the forums, so paying $150 to
skip the waiting period before your posts appear
wouldn't seem worth it. You haven't reall
Samuel Murray May 23
Legal What is "/s/" next to signatory in EN? How would you have translated the full form? [quote]María Toralla Chinchilla
wrote: Therefore, I would greatly appreciate
hearing from you about your approach to
translating this convention into English. Do you
typically transl
Samuel Murray May 3
Translator resources ANNA ARACHIV Well... [quote]Yi Cao wrote: Now I have purchased MCAFEE.
It repeatedly told me that ANNA ARCHIVE has
computer virus. [/quote] It doesn't have a virus,
but malware/antivirus packages try to "pro
Samuel Murray Apr 29
Off topic I'd like to use pseudonym in my works I'm guessing [quote]Teuvo Matala wrote: I'd like to use
pseudonym in my works So, how do I do that?
[/quote] I assume you mean that you want to
publish your writing or translations under a
Samuel Murray Apr 16
CAT Tools Technical Help Wordbee -- how to search for or filter by tabs @Stepan [quote]Stepan Konev wrote: This page mentions
that Wordbee can do regex
search...[/quote] Thanks, that works (one also
has to select the language in which to search).
Samuel Murray Apr 15
CAT Tools Technical Help Wordbee -- how to search for or filter by tabs Hello everyone I translate Wordbee projects by
exporting to Excel and then importing again. I've
noticed, however, that if the source text contains
tabs, then those tabs do not survive
Samuel Murray Apr 14
Machine Translation (MT) Automate commands to ChatGPT (Windows) Want more chat, then ask for it [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: I wonder how I can
get the AHK utility to give me the same types of
answers that I get in the browser. In the
browser, Chat GPT is friendly, chatty and gives<
Samuel Murray Apr 14
Machine Translation (MT) Automate commands to ChatGPT (Windows) Here's what I get [quote]Cilian O'Tuama wrote: Do either (or
perhaps both) of the words "gyros" and gyrus"
contain the letter O? If so, as which letter does
it appear?[/quote] GTP-3.5: Yes, both "gyros" a
Samuel Murray Apr 13
Machine Translation (MT) Automate commands to ChatGPT (Windows) @Cilian [quote]Cilian O'Tuama wrote: OK, it's the free
version, with data 2 years old (not that that
would matter here). Are Gpt4 etc. worth paying
attention to?[/quote] I've asked Chat GPT seve
Samuel Murray Apr 13
Money matters A translation agency asked me money back @Serena [quote]Serena Rotundo wrote: Unfortunately, I
cannot find my quote ... and there was none on the
job post.[/quote] So, you can't see your quote
Samuel Murray Apr 12
Machine Translation (MT) Automate commands to ChatGPT (Windows) @Hans [quote]Hans Lenting wrote: As I don't use ChatGPT
for MT, I'm wondering: Is its cost comparable to
MT systems such as DeepL? Or is ChatGPT much more
expensive? [/quote] Here is a communi
Samuel Murray Apr 11
Machine Translation (MT) Automate commands to ChatGPT (Windows) @Michael II [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: [quote]Michael Beijer
wrote: 1.
lity (to act on selections on my computer, and
process them using the C
Samuel Murray Apr 11
Machine Translation (MT) Automate commands to ChatGPT (Windows) @Michael [quote]Michael Beijer wrote: 1.
lity (to act on selections on my computer, and
process them using the ChatGPT API) [/quote] I
got t
Samuel Murray Apr 11
Machine Translation (MT) Automate commands to ChatGPT (Windows) @Milan [quote]Milan Condak wrote: There is a link to
QTranslate in discussion ... [/quote] Thanks. It
doesn't currently work, but I can see in the JS
file what they're doing. They use an
Samuel Murray Apr 11
Scams A "client" that seemed legitimate spent €250 to later on reclaim €600. @Keith [quote]Keith Jackson wrote: That is the cost of
doing their scamming operation. The scam consist
in convincing me to refund the money before
"collecting" it. I am sure that the funds are
Samuel Murray Apr 11
Machine Translation (MT) Automate commands to ChatGPT (Windows) Hello everyone Does anyone know of a free
Windows utility with which I can automate
questions to ChatGPT? I'm using the free version.
It's fine if the answers appear in the
Samuel Murray Apr 10
Scams A "client" that seemed legitimate spent €250 to later on reclaim €600. @Keith, likely not a scam What I would do, is to pick up the money and then
send it back to them, either also with Western
Union or with a bank transfer. EUR 600 is a lot
of money in African countries. I don't
Samuel Murray Apr 10
Software applications Help convert SVG to PNG or JPG Found one Samuel Murray Apr 10
Software applications Help convert SVG to PNG or JPG Hello everyone I have an SVG file that I want
to convert to a PNG or JPG image of around 15000 x
15000. I've tried some online utilities but none
of them allow me to increase the size
Samuel Murray Apr 10
Powwows Powwow: Kharkiv - Ukraine Acceptance that one is not alone in this world is part of growing up When people see beauty or utility in your culture
and then copy it or adapt it to their own culture,
you should be pleased, not upset.
Samuel Murray Apr 9
Apple/Mac operating systems How to translate .pages documents Older version [quote]Hans Lenting wrote: Convert to an older
version? [/quote] That's not going to be
lossless, though.
Samuel Murray Apr 8
Scams Michael Pete Hookson from "Lionbridge" The more you look at this mail, the more flags it
Samuel Murray Apr 2
Money matters Wondering if this information real: rates charged by ProZ members. @Ron [quote]ronsmith wrote: That's the "average". ...
Of course, if the average is 0.09 to 0.12 and 80%
is charging 0.01 to 0.03, then the remaining 20%
must be charging of 0.41 to 0.48 a wor
Samuel Murray Apr 1
Money matters Wondering if this information real: rates charged by ProZ members. Reported rates on
Samuel Murray Apr 1
Money matters Anybody encountered such MTPE jobs? Internal fuzzies? [quote]Asset Orymbayev wrote: It is 800 new words
(MT applied) + about 400 words fuzzy
matches. They call it MTPE and want to pay 0.02
for 800 new words. But for 400 fuzzy match words<
Samuel Murray Mar 17
Office applications Word macro: paste plain text @Stepan [quote]Stepan Konev wrote: You can use this
option in MS
Word: [url=][img]https://i.ibb.
mg][/url] [/quote] Does
Samuel Murray Feb 27
AI for translators and interpreters Remove all lines in language X Hello everyone I have a text file with lines of
text in English, but unfortunately some of the
lines are in Afrikaans. I want to either remove
the Afrikaans lines or create a list of a
Samuel Murray Feb 27
Office applications Word macro: paste plain text Oh, got it Sub PasteSpecial() Selection.PasteSpecial
DataType:=wdPasteText End Sub
Samuel Murray Feb 26
Office applications Word macro: paste plain text Hello everyone My Word installation is wonky.
Some things don't work. For example, Shift+Ctrl+V
does nothing, even though it is supposed to be the
shortcut for the PasteFormat command.
Samuel Murray Feb 26
Office applications Word macro: change one highlight colour to something else @Dan Thanks for the tip. Samuel Murray Feb 24
Business issues Disclosing agency work in LinkedIn: what's the best practice? @Ricardo [quote]Ricardo Castaño wrote: Is it okay to
disclose all the agencies you work and have worked
with on your LinkedIn profile? [/quote] There is
a principle in translators' ethics that t
Samuel Murray Feb 24
Business issues Disclosing agency work in LinkedIn: what's the best practice? Not a CV [quote]Oriol VIP wrote: You can say which company
you've worked for in any CV, now and
always Otherwise, how are they going to get those
precious references and recommendation letters?
Samuel Murray Feb 24
Office applications Word macro: change one highlight colour to something else @Aurélien [quote]Aurélien ARPAZ wrote: This macro should
do what expected: ... [/quote] It does, thanks.
Unfortunately Word freezes at around 50 pages or
so, so it's nice for smaller documents,
Samuel Murray Feb 23
Office applications Word macro: change one highlight colour to something else @Hans [quote]Hans Lenting
[/quote] This one allows me to change all
highlights to green, b
Samuel Murray Feb 23
Office applications Word macro: change one highlight colour to something else Hello everyone I have a file with some text
highlighted yellow and some text highlighted red.
I want to change the red highlighted text to green
highlighted. Do you know of a macro th
Samuel Murray Feb 23
General technical issues How best to handle a bilingual Excel file? @Ali [quote]Ali Al awadi wrote: What is the best way
to handle this task with memoQ?
[/quote] Unfortunately MemoQ can only handle
multilingual Excel files that use columns, not
rows. So,
Samuel Murray Feb 19
Medical Scanned medical documents Handwritten? [quote]Giovanna Looney wrote: I have received 100
scanned pages, all medical documents.
[/quote] Wit lots of handwritten portions, right?
You need to be an expert expert in that field t
Samuel Murray Feb 17
Translators Associations NAATI TRANSLATION TEST Auto-complete [quote]Yi Cao wrote: However, after the reform,
NAATI has adopted computer based translation test.
As a result, NAATI does not require candidate to
write down each character and NAATI jus
Samuel Murray Feb 17
Money matters Rates with LSPs Markup [quote]Clément Marquet wrote: To understand the
price clients pay, what is the average mark-up of
LSPs? [/quote] Various percentages have been
mentioned or guessed at or revealed by peo
Samuel Murray Feb 16
Being independent Does it make sense to learn German to live in the U.S.? @Yuksel [quote]yuksel824gma wrote: Does it make sense to
learn German to live in the U.S.? [/quote] Do you
mean that you want to learn German so that you can
emigrate to the United States? Or d
Samuel Murray Feb 15
Site forums Does the CAT tool you use have an influence on getting response from LSPs? @Clément [quote]Clément Marquet wrote: To make it short,
if a project manager sees you are using Trados ...
do you have more chances to get an answer and jobs
than if you write OmegaT on your CV?
Samuel Murray Feb 14
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Help with Catalan pronunciation @Angie [quote]Angie Garbarino wrote: Perhaps i can read
it for you in a WhatsApp message?[/quote] PB sent
Samuel Murray Feb 12

Forumuri de discuţii în domeniul traducerilor

Discuţii libere pe teme de traducere, interpretare şi localizare

Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

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Wordfast Pro
Translation Memory Software for Any Platform

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