Translation glossary: Codul fiscal

Showing entries 1-50 of 67
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a pune sechestruput a levy on... 
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a regularizato adjust, to rectify 
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a se reportato be carried forward 
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active cedateassets disposed 
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ajutor pentru nastereassistance for child birth 
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ambalajepacking material 
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amortizare liniarastraight-line depreciation 
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arendarental of land 
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Romanian to English
banci devizforeign currency bank accounts 
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certificat constatatorascertaining certificate 
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Romanian to English
comisionar vamalcustoms broker 
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contabilitate in partida simpla/dublasimple/double entry accounting system 
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creante incerte sau in litigiudoubtful/ possibly bad or contested debts 
Romanian to English
daruri in naturagifts in kind 
Romanian to English
decizie de impuneretaxation decision 
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decizie de impuneretaxation notice 
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dispozitie executorieenforceable order 
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dispozitie testamentara (legat)devise 
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dubla impuneredouble taxation 
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dupa cazas the case may be 
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fisa fiscalaindividual tax record 
Romanian to English
fisa fiscala rectificativaamended individual income tax return (form) 
Romanian to English
forfaitingA form of fixed-rate trade finance. It involves the purchase by a financial institution - the forfaiter - of an exporter's debts. These debts are usually in the form of bank bills of exchange or promissory notes and have been accepted by the exporter as deferred payment for goods sold to foreign buyers. The exporter sells the bills or notes at a discount, for cash, and passes all commercial or political risks and responsibilities for collection t 
Romanian to English
garantii de buna executieperformance bonds 
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hrana suplimentaradietary supplements 
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iesirea din gestiune a stocurilorremoval of goods from inventory 
Romanian to English
impozite neretinute la sursataxes not withheld at source 
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impunerea veniturilor aferente contractelor de vanzare-cumparare cu plata in ratetaxation of the income resulting from sale-purchase contracts in installments 
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imputatie pentru lipsuri in gestiuneimputations for faults in stock management (inventory shortage charge) 
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in intelesul prezentului articolfor the purposes of the present article 
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indemnizatia de deplasaretravel allowance 
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Joint Operating Companysocietate in participatiune 
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la valoare nominalaat par/face value 
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locatie de gestiunetenancy 
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locuinta de serviciucompany housing, job dwelling; 
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majorare de intarzierelate-payment addition/penalties 
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operatiuni de vanzare-cumparare de valuta la termenfixed-term foreign currency sale-purchase operations 
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parte socialashare 
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perfectionare activa (customs)inward processing 
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pomiculturafruit farming, fruit-growing, orcharding, pomiculture 
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pret de rascumparareredemption price 
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prime de asigurari suportate premiums borne by... 
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