Translation glossary: MUHASEBE 2

Showing entries 1-50 of 108
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1-Ödenecek Vergi ve Fonlar1. Taxes and Funds Payable 
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1-Banka Kredileri1. Bank Loans 
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1-Banka Kredileri1. Bank Loans 
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1-Dön.Karı Diğ. Yasal Yüküm.Karşıl.1.Provisions for Income Taxes and Other Legal Liabilities on Profit (-) 
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1-Gelec.Yıl.Ertelen.veya Terkin Edilen K.D.V.1. VAT Deferred to Following Years 
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1-Gelecek Aylara Ait Gelirler1. Income Relating to Future Months 
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1-Gelecek Yıllara Ait Gelirler1. Income Relating to Future Periods 
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1-Hesaplanan K.D.V.1.Collected VAT 
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1-Hisse Senedi İhraç Primleri1. Share Premium 
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1-Kıdem Tazminatı Karşılıkları1. Provisions for Termination Indemnities 
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1-Ortaklara Borçlar1. Due to Shareholders 
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1-Ortaklara Borçlar1. Due to Shareholders 
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1-Satıcılar1. Suppliers 
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1-Satıcılar1. Suppliers 
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1-Sermaye1. Capital 
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1-Yasal Yedekler1. Legal Reserves 
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2-İştiraklere Borçlar2. Due to Affiliates 
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2-İştiraklere Borçlar2. Due to Affiliates 
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2-Öden.Sosyal Güvenlik Kesintileri2. Social Security Withholdings Payable 
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2-Ödenmemiş Sermaye (-)2. Un - Paid Capital (-) 
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2-Çıkarılmış Tahviller2. Bonds Issued 
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2-Borç Senetleri2. Notes Payables 
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2-Borç Senetleri2. Notes Payable 
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2-Dön. Karı.Peşin Ö Diğ.Yükü.(-)2.Prepaid Income Taxes and Other Legal Liabilities on Profit (-) 
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2-Diğer Borç ve Gider Karşılıkları2. Provisions for Other Debts and Expenses 
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2-Diğer K.D.V2. Other VAT 
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2-Gider Tahakkukları2. Expense Accruals 
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2-Gider Tahakkukları2. Expense Accruals 
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2-Hisse Senedi İptal Karları2. Share Premium of Canceled Shares 
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2-Statü Yedekleri2. Statuary Reserves 
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2-Tesise Katılma Payları2. Lots of Participation to Installations 
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2-Uzun Faiz2. Current Maturities of Long Term Credits and Accrued Interest 
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3-Çıkarılmış Diğer Menkul Kıymetler3 Other Securities Issued 
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3-Bağlı Ortaklıklara Borçlar3. Due to subsidiaries 
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3-Bağlı Ortaklıklara Borçlar3. Due to subsidiaries 
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3-Borç Senetleri Reeskontu (-)3. Rediscount on Notes Payables (-) 
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3-Borç Senetleri Reeskontu (-)3. Rediscount on Notes Payables (-) 
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3-Diğer Uzun Vadeli Yabancı Kaynaklar3. Other Long Term Liabilities 
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3-Kıdem Tazminatı Karşılığı3. Provisions for Termination Indemnities 
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3-M.D.V.Yeniden Değerleme Artışları3. Revaluation Fund of Tangible Fixed Assets 
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3-Olağanüstü Yedekler3. Extraordinary Reserves 
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3-Sayım ve Tesellüm Fazlaları3. Inventory Overages 
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3-Tahvil, Borç,Taksit ve Faizl.3. Current Maturities of Bonds and Accrued Interest 
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3-Vade Geçm.Ertele.veyaTaks.Ver.Diğ.Yükü.3. Overdue, Deferred or Restructured Taxes and Other Fiscal Liabilities 
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4- Diğer Yükümlülükler4. Other Fiscal Liabilities Payable 
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4-Alınan Depozito ve Teminatlar4. Deposits and Guarantees Received 
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4-Alınan Depozito ve Teminatlar4. Deposits and Guarantees Received 
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4-İştirakler Yeniden Değerleme Artışları4. Revaluation Fund of Investments 
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4-Çıkarılmış Bonolar ve Senetler4. Bonds and Notes Issued 
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4-Diğer Çeşitli Borçlar4. Other Payables 
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