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Getting established Obtaining Jobs While waiting for jobs... ... create a convincing profile, a nice
C.V. with all necessary details, contact agencies
all over the world offering your service,
volunteer for free translation jobs for various
Dinny Jan 2, 2008
Being independent Has the economy ever affected your business? No big deal No major fluctuations, it is more a less a
question of putting your ear to the ground, feel
what is building up and adapt as quickly as
possible to the new situation, like in this moment
Dinny Jan 2, 2008
Wordfast support Source text disappearing in an active UNCLEAN file Thanks! Thank you Thomasz and Ioanna for taking your time
to answer my post. The problem is solved
now. Actually, the file I am working on seems
to be under a spell, TM is not working, colours<
Dinny Jan 2, 2008
Wordfast support Source text disappearing in an active UNCLEAN file At the end of the day I save and close my UNCLEAN
file ("End translation") - but when I open the
file next morning the file seems to have been
cleaned up and there is no trace of the sourc
Dinny Jan 2, 2008
Wordfast support Translating in Wordfast with a Trados TM WordFast / Trados TMs Hi, Check this link to the WordFast
ge=knowledge&Task=view&questId=38&catId=3 You
can find all the necessary instructions
Dinny Dec 29, 2007 membership Encouraged fields I do not want my C.V. to be found and displayed by Google! I once uploaded my C.V. on - it contained
all my personal contact information and whatever I
have been doing professionally during the last 30
years. Some time later I discovered
Dinny Dec 28, 2007
Wordfast support 100% match with empty green TL fields - urgent help needed! Same problem here - why no answers? Hi, I was just searching this forum to find a
solution. I am using my general TM and know that
certain segments have been translated before, over
and over again, still, WF does not sugges
Dinny Dec 28, 2007
Off topic Pass-time for linguists It didn't appear when searching the forum Normally, I do a search before posting a topic -
but the search function cannot handle two combined
words, I think. I got an endless list of topic in
which the word "free" appeared... mayb
Dinny Nov 22, 2007
Danish Hvis nu I ikke lige skulle have set det i det generelle forum... God træning i engelske - meget svære -
fremmedord og samtidig har du muligheden for at
byde en eller anden sulten medborger her i verden
på morgenmad eller
frokost: http://www.
Dinny Nov 12, 2007
Italian Quanto ci mettono i bonifici da una città italiana all'altra? Negoziare i giorni di valuta con la banca Credo proprio che dipende dagli accordi che hai
con la tua banca. I pagamenti trasmessi
elettronicamente ci mettono secondi per arrivare
alla tua banca e poi la banca decide quanti giorni<
Dinny Nov 12, 2007
Off topic Pass-time for linguists When you have a moment you might want to spend it
doing some good while passing time improving your
language skills? United Nations offer this
opportunity to donate free rice to hungry
Dinny Nov 12, 2007
Danish stadig ok indholdsmæsigt (?) Er stadig ofte i tvivl om "hvor jeg er" Efterhånden som den gamle udgave af blev opdateret, blev jeg stadig mere
glad for den. Rent faktisk så glad, at jeg
simpelt hen var nødt til at sende en mail til dem
Dinny Oct 27, 2007
Lighter side of trans/interp The Little Translator appears in court Thanks, Mervyn ;-) For some strange reason (just might be
workrelated) I had never met The Little Translator
before, but tonight I fully enjoyed all the six
previous episodes. Thank you! Could the
Dinny Sep 8, 2007
Money matters What is best to avoid bank fees: Paypal, Moneybookers? I think Moneybookers is cheaper I used to use both PayPal and Moneybookers. The
ordinary PayPal account doesn't charge you to
receive money and you pay 1 Euro for transfers to
your own bank account only if you transfer l
Dinny Jul 21, 2007
Money matters How to charge when translating in Passolo Standard, I guess It has happened to me and I just pretended my
normal rate. Although at first it seemed
inconvenient to have to use an unknown programme I
figured that any new knowledge would go "right in<
Dinny Jun 6, 2007
Off topic The worst place you've ever visited A hotel in Paris Wonderful city - and a wonderful hotel. At the
time, my 'better half' and I were working in
different countries and we met for the weekend
whereever would be most convenient - and nice -
Dinny May 28, 2007
Hardware New very dangerous Virus is launched Loosing a job out of fear of virus...? This morning I found an email with the title:
Invitation for an upcoming project. The sender was
an unknown "Huiting". So, with this warning in
mind - hoax or not hoax - I just cance
Dinny May 28, 2007
Danish Kom nu ind i kampen... Jeg ville da gerne... ... men mit årlige besøg i Danmark er planlagt
til juli måned, så det kommer til at knibe med
at strække ferien så længe! Men jeg sætter
da gerne et powwow igang på Kreta, hvis
Dinny May 15, 2007
Money matters How do I protect my work against outsourcers with late payment record Tell it to them straight forward I have been approached a few times by agencies
with a 'not quite convincing' Blue Board record.
Since I simply don't want to spend time on chasing
my payments I have told them - veeery pol
Dinny May 10, 2007
Money matters Standard Payment Term: 45 days Since when does a client decide when to pay? I agree with Piotr: You cannot tell a plumber when
you will pay him for his work. And that goes for
translators as well, or at least it should be
so. Each of us should decide on the pay
Dinny Apr 20, 2007
Italian Eurodicautom: riuscite a caricarlo? Grazie, Karin Ho seguito quanto suggerito ed ora IATE funziona
di nuovo, che sollievo! Spero comunque che
riusciranno presto a risolvere questo problema
visto che ora, con i cookies cancellati, qualsi
Dinny Apr 14, 2007
Italian Eurodicautom: riuscite a caricarlo? Ora nemmeno IATE funziona! Da qualche giorno IATE non funziona più e visto
che chi cerca Eurodicautom ora viene
automaticamente trasferito a IATE è proprio un
disastro! Dato che non esistono validi dizionari
Dinny Apr 13, 2007
General technical issues Possible solution for slow IE-7 problem with ProZ Thank you! That was a good idea! When living in a remote
area like I do with only modem connection
available any little thing to speed up the
navigation is worth gold! :-)
Dinny Mar 6, 2007
Off topic Summer Holidays in the Philippines: Asking for Advice How I would like to go back there! ;-) Hi Cecilia, I once spent a fantastic holiday near
Boracay in the village of Coco Beach, all natural,
absolutely no concrete, fantastic beach and clear
water and wonderful people. You c
Dinny Mar 5, 2007
Internet for translators Internet Explorer 7 Anybody having MORE problems with IE7 than IE6? Since I changed to IE7 if VERY often happens that
I get the message that a site cannot be accessed,
these being sites I have used every day for a long
time (online dictionary, various foru
Dinny Feb 27, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: Which is your greatest hindrance while translating? Bad internet connection and lack of dictionaries Like Jane, the worst time loss is due to my
(modem) internet connection, everything takes
FOREVER. While customers would send me pdf-files
of 6-8 MB just as reference material which takes<
Dinny Feb 18, 2007
Italian Per chi vive all'estero, ma ha parenti e amici che lo vogliono contattare dall'Italia Con un collegamento con modem tutto questo non funziona Abito a Creta da un anno e mezzo. Qui l'ADSL ce
lo sogniamo ancora, ci vorranno anni - e allora si
vive con il vecchio modem a manovella. Pertanto
tutte queste belle cose, tipo Skype o q
Dinny Feb 10, 2007
Italian proprio sito Piccolo sito, ma almeno UN nuovo cliente :-) L'anno scorso mi sono fatto un mio sito
piccolissimo con un programmino da quattro soldi
ed ho scelto di usare come host.
Qualche mese dopo mi telefona un cliente da
Dinny Feb 9, 2007
Italian L'ABC del traduttore (e poi D,E,F,....Z) O - Q O - Ordine di lavoro (nel senso, purchase
order) Q - Qualità del lavoro
Dinny Feb 9, 2007
Danish Dårligt dansk Hvad er alternativet? Det er godt nok en 'skrap' liste! Men den slags
ord har det jo med at dukke op, når det er svært
at finde det rigtige ord på dansk. Jeg studsede
lidt over 'italesætte', hvad i alverd
Dinny Jan 21, 2007
Danish Maskinoversættelse på dansk Handle with care! Gælder også for maskinoversættelser... Jeg føler mig ikke truet på mit daglige
rugbrød - men lad dem da bare drømme videre. :-)
Vi andre kan jo så en gang imellem få os et godt
grin over resultaterne. Jeg kan lige fores
Dinny Jan 16, 2007
Translator resources Update on IATE (Inter-Agency Terminology Exchange) IATE Let's hope it's not just a "standard reply". I
received the same information as answer to my
inquiry and, apart from changing the expected date
from "end of 2006" to "end of March", the te
Dinny Jan 15, 2007
Translator resources IATE still not accessible! Only a few more days to wait! Hopefully we can trust what is written on the EU
site about IATE: "This multilingual database
will also be made accessible to the European
citizens by the end of 2006." (Link:
Dinny Dec 31, 2006
Italian Linguaggio comune: il "per favore" ormai sostituito dal "grazie" La lingua si evolve... ovunque Non credo che sia così terribile anche se devo
darti ragione che "grazie!" è più perentorio del
"per favore". Potrei capire lo scomento se fossero
lasciati perdere tutte e due... allora
Dinny Dec 14, 2006
Italian Adesione membro pagante Ciao Serena, welcome aboard! :-) Ti posso confermare che ti accorgerai presto dei
vantaggi - e difficilmente vorrai rinunciare nel
futuro al rinnovo! :-)
Dinny Nov 27, 2006
Business issues Bye bye proofreading... Well, somebody HAS to do it I'm used to that 'my' agencies have my work
proofread. But lately I came across an agency that
had decided to save the money for the proofreader
for itself putting a megastress on me to de
Dinny Nov 19, 2006
Off topic in memorian page for verbis Certamente saremo in tanti... Saranno in pochi quelli a cui Verbis non ha
lasciato un sorriso... Pur non "conoscendola"
davvero ci siamo scambiati qualche email, era
molto presente qui sul Proz e ci mancherà.
Dinny Nov 15, 2006
Off topic What is your favourite solitaire version? Spare time...??? Free Cell Forever!!! ;-) Dinny Nov 13, 2006
Money matters Increasing your rates - how to tell your clients? Give notice in due time Hi Søren, Six months ago I increased my rates
and I informed all of my clients by mail a couple
of months ahead. Not the same standard letter to
everybody, since I don't use the same rat
Dinny Nov 12, 2006
Italian cosa fare in caso di mancato pagamento di una agenzia in città diversa Decreto ingiuntivo Cara brisky, Che noia queste cose, vero? Il tuo
avvocato, oltre ad inviare una semplice
raccomandata, avrebbe dovuto avvisare che in
mancanza di pagamento si sarebbe proseguito per il
Dinny Nov 10, 2006
Italian Pagamenti fatture: più meschini di così non si può Due misure E' strano come clienti/agenzie riescono
benissimo a capire che un deadline per la consegna
del lavoro è imperativo, qualsiasi ritardo viene
considerato mancanza di professionalità, men
Dinny Nov 9, 2006
Wordfast support URGENT: word crashes when I use wordfast Try to cut a bit of the text... Hi Ritu, It sometimes happens to me, too. I have
solved it by 'cutting out' the next segment which
is causing the problems. Then I usually manage to
continue without crashing. You can tra
Dinny Nov 9, 2006
Being independent The role of an agency I wish most agencies knew that! ;-) From an agency I expect that - They have/find
the clients - They finance the job (none of
this "I pay you when my client pays me") - They
issue a P.O. with ALL details of the agen
Dinny Sep 8, 2006
Danish Hjælp! Hide/show-tegnet ses hele tiden i mit dokument Edith, du er en engel! :-) Jeg ved stadig ikke, hvordan jeg fik tegnet ind
på Word - men det virkede at fjerne fluebenet ved
'paragraph marks'!! Tusind tak! :-)
Dinny Aug 14, 2006
Danish Hjælp! Hide/show-tegnet ses hele tiden i mit dokument Ikke den i værktøjslinien... Hej Pia, Jeg troede, du ikke engang ville have
så meget som en laptop med på ferie? ;-) Det
er ikke gem/vis-knappen i værktøjslinien, der
kan bruges. Mit omvendte P-tegn bliver st�
Dinny Aug 13, 2006
Danish Hjælp! Hide/show-tegnet ses hele tiden i mit dokument Justering af AutoCorrect Med hensyn til altid at ændre 'i' til 'I' er det
nok at gå ind i 'format' og 'AutoCorrect' (har
kun engelsk version), her justerer du efter behov,
hvad Word selv skal lave om på... D
Dinny Aug 12, 2006
Danish Hjælp! Hide/show-tegnet ses hele tiden i mit dokument Hjælp! Hide/show-tegnet ses hele tiden i mit dokument Hej, Er der en venlig sjæl, der vil hjælpe mig
med at fjerne dette tegn fra min Word-fil? Jeg
ved, jeg har haft problemet før, og dengang fandt
jeg en løsning, men ikke om jeg kan ko
Dinny Aug 10, 2006
Italian Risposta automatica di assenza Un po' di cortesia in piu' non guasterebbe :-) Ciao Marina, Potresti aggiungere un "Grazie per
avermi contattato..." (in italiano ed ovviamente
anche nelle lingue dalle quali traduci)... e poi -
se ne hai la possibilità e sei d'accor
Dinny Jul 31, 2006
Money matters Setting up a free PayPal account Easy to open the account, NOT so easy to get your money If you insert a paypal email address in ProZ, you
will get notified by paypal if somebody is sending
you money, meaning that they invite you to
register to receive this amount on your
Dinny Jul 30, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you like least about being a translator? Administration Yes, I think this very important point is
missing from the poll. I had to vote "other" since
my "hate-thing" in translations is invoicing and
all the rest of the administration! Since
Dinny Jul 1, 2006

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