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Search results: (536 matches)
FórumTémaNázevTextAutorČas job systems New at Outsourcer "willingness to work again" feedback for translators Positive, and very much so I simply have not had the time to read through the
29 pages of this topic. But I would like to join
in and say that I am positive about this new
feature. If an outsourcer wants to take
Dinny Jun 29, 2006
Wordfast support WordFast keeps changing my keyboard language It doesn't work to cancel the other keyboard settings! I am having the same problem, and it's driving
me crazy, too! I keep promising myself that as
soon as I get a little time I'll be checking the
manual to find the solution, but... time,
Dinny Jun 19, 2006
CAT Tools Technical Help Counting matches in already translated/segmented files Create an empty TM Hi Kallisto, When I want to check files AFTER I
have already done the translation, I open the
original files, create an empty TM (or choose NO
TM), and then run an analysis on these files
Dinny Jun 18, 2006
Translator resources From our June release:'s online rates calculator Nice future planning tool! Everything went fine as long as I tried to
increase my holidays per year, the outcome was
more or less the rate I'm charging now. It's just
that I'm quite happy with my 6 weeks holidays
Dinny Jun 8, 2006 job systems I had to "buy" access to a BB record once again The Blue Board - The Jewel In The Crown I can't say whether it's the best part of, but it's certainly the most useful in
everyday work! Or is it? It might be Kudoz? Or it
might be the forums... :-) But it's certai
Dinny Jun 1, 2006
Business issues Agency payment policies: 30 or 60 days following invoice date. Why? I agree with you, Dyran In no other business you can contact a provider
of services, buy something, and TELL him when he
can expect to be paid. Providers set the
terms. If clients can accept them, they migh
Dinny May 28, 2006
CAT Tools Technical Help Can WordFast be used with HTML files? You could also try Catscradle I regularly work with WordFast but whenever I get
a full website to translate I use the freeware
programme Catscradle, no preparation needed at all
and you can check the look of the page d
Dinny May 17, 2006
Danish Gik væk fra Trados rabatter - varmt anbefalet Start en bølge! Det er en glimrende ide, Christian, og den
fortjener bestemt en større udbredelse end dette
lille hjørne af ProZ. Hvis du nu også satte din
post i det "store" forum, kunne det jo vær
Dinny May 14, 2006
Translator resources Firing a bad customer what a good idea! Do you agree? Will soon be firing some of my customers I don't think your publishing of "fired
customers" is such a great idea, the hot water has
already been invented and Blue Board is a perfect
place for making these announcements. I agree
Dinny Apr 29, 2006
Italian Voglia di cambiare Riconosco la voglia di cambiare... Io però vivo sola con i figli già volati,
pertanto posso permettermi di cambiare
radicalmente quando la monotonia diventa
insopportabile. Ultimamente 4 anni in Italia, ora
da 7 mes
Dinny Apr 29, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: Blue Board - Are you subscribed to daily email 'call for entries', and if so, do you answer? Becky Exactly why I wanted to draw some attention to
this feature. As for the poll, it looks like a lot
of people doesn't know what this is about. I
wish would engage a little mar
Dinny Apr 21, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: Blue Board - Are you subscribed to daily email 'call for entries', and if so, do you answer? Your eight agencies... might be asking somebody else for translations in
other language pairs, Dyran. That is why it would
be usefull if they were not "hidden" but actually
appeared on the Blue Board as the good
Dinny Apr 21, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: Blue Board - Are you subscribed to daily email 'call for entries', and if so, do you answer? Usefull tool when constantly updated Actually, the reason why I wanted to know how many
are subscribed to receiving the "call for entries"
was that whenever I can't find an agency in the
Blue Board I would prefer to decline w
Dinny Apr 19, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: How useful is the term search - Not much to find in my language pairs Whenever I can't find a term in the dictionaries I
check with, but I have never been able to
find whatever I was looking for (Language pairs
Italian/Danish and English/Danish). So
Dinny Apr 3, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Athens - Greece Surprise! I just had some "surprise guests" from Denmark and
I shall therefore not be able to leave for the
weekend, unfortunately. I had been looking so much
forward to this event, so even though g
Dinny Mar 31, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Athens - Greece My vote 1st of April - 14.00 hrs. I would prefer centre
of Athens, since I am planning to leave my car in
Heraklion and then go Pireus/Athens by bus or
Dinny Mar 25, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you rate the new profile format (visible to members at )? No Opinion - Yet As it often happens, one get used to a certain
look and when that changes the first reaction is:
Oh no, what have they done to my profile page!! I
think it's was a bit too early to ask f
Dinny Mar 25, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you ever translate INTO a foreign language? Only as a (paid) favour to old clients Like Elena I only do translations from Danish
into Italian or English as an occasional favour to
agencies I have worked with for years. On these
occasions it's understood that they take
Dinny Mar 21, 2006
Trados support Does anyone else hate Trados as much as I do? Me and Trados divorced a while ago - happily! I consider my time far too valuable than to
spend a fortune on a tool that is supposed to help
me, spend an infinite time to understand how it
works and then still not getting what I am<
Dinny Mar 20, 2006
Italian Mancato pagamento di massa: rinunciare o lottare? Anche il cliente finale è anonimo? La traduzione è tua se nessuno te l'ha
pagata. E' un discorso già fatto in precedenza,
comunque io non esiterei a contattare il cliente
finale in questo caso se ne conoscessi il nome
Dinny Mar 19, 2006
Italian Mancato pagamento di massa: rinunciare o lottare? Per 900 Euro tenterei di ricuperare! Ciao, Che brutto quando si lavora solo per
scoprire che non hanno intenzione di pagare!
Non ho capito bene dal tuo post se questa
agenzia si fa passare per lettone o se è
Dinny Mar 18, 2006
Danish Første sortering sproglig sikkerhed og fuldstændig influenza i dansk Dagens griner Jeg fandt linket til annoncen i Politiken online
i morges og var simpelthen ved at falde ned af
stolen af grin. Og bagefter tænkte jeg, at
hvor er det herligt, at der findes den sla
Dinny Mar 14, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Athens - Greece Still looking forward to it... ;-) Let's hope third time is the lucky one! Saturday 1
April is just fine. Of course you'll never know
this far ahead, but I'll organize my work in order
to have the weekend off. Btw, the "off
Dinny Feb 25, 2006
Wordfast support How can I make one TM out of two? I always do it the "easy way" - is that wrong? In WordFast, I have one huge TM (HTM). With big
projects I create a TM just for that job, but
would still like also to insert these terms in the
huge TM. So, when I open WordFast and h
Dinny Feb 11, 2006
Italian Crudeltà sugli animali Risposte scontate... Ciao Clelia, Credo che potrai soltanto ricevere
risposte da chi si trova d'accordo con il tuo
punto di vista, prima perchè sono convinta che la
ProZ è popolata da gente civile, e secon
Dinny Feb 8, 2006
Off topic What's your sign? Aquarius - Tech Wouldn't trade my sign with anybody! (But I'd be
glad to skip the 'tech'...) ;-)

at 2006-02-07 04:30]
Dinny Feb 7, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Athens - Greece 26 Feb is fine And then again, you never know, but I'll try to
keep that weekend "clean" from work! :-)
Dinny Jan 30, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Athens - Greece Iris, maybe we can go together? Whenever a new date is set... I live in Souther
Crete, so we'll be catching the same ferry, I
guess. ;-)
Dinny Jan 29, 2006
Powwows Powwow: Athens - Greece Update? Where, when, who? Hi everyone. So, what's new? Now that the time is
approaching I am not certain whether I can make
it. I have so much work to finish, but I am trying
to speed up to be able to take a few da
Dinny Jan 24, 2006
Linguistics Problems with fast spoken languages - like Spanish, Greek Speed is in the ear of the listener... I've never considered Italian to be such a
speed-language, but it is certainly perceived as
such by the part of my non-italian speaking
family. Maybe it's because the words are so long?
Dinny Jan 23, 2006
Italian tanto per non ridere da sola... Prevenzione! Quando mi chiedono la tariffa per proofreading
inserisco sempre la condizione "che la traduzione
sia stata fatta da un traduttore professionista,
non valida per machine translation". So
Dinny Jan 23, 2006 job systems Blue Board: Applications System Release Announcement (members-only feature) Great news! This is indeed a very timesaving feature!
Whenever I think about "doing some marketing" I
often look through the BB to select some good
agencies, but till now only company address has
Dinny Jan 21, 2006
Money matters Payment deadlines Payment terms? What are the payment terms agreed upon in the
Dinny Jan 21, 2006
Money matters Job posted offering less than $0.02 per word!!!! 4 bids... or maybe not. The 4 bids might have been similar to the one I
left a few weeks ago in response to a similar
"offer": 0.00 USD with deadline 32nd of
December. If cannot/will not set a
Dinny Jan 20, 2006 technical support Curious bug while posting in a forum But the team is so efficient... Nobody ever thought to complain about it. But
once you do... be sure that it'll be fixed in
secs. Well, at least this was my reason for
starting this post... ;-)
Dinny Jan 16, 2006 technical support Curious bug while posting in a forum Curious bug while posting in a forum I have as my start page, so whenever
clicking on the little house I get right back to
the front page from wherever I am. But if I post
in a forum, I cannot get back to my start
Dinny Jan 16, 2006
Business issues Dealing with troublemaking clients Contacting the end client is a must in this case! I inform all my clients that copyright of any
translation belongs to me till payment has taken
place. Obviously. It it my creation and if you
don't pay it still belongs to me. Theref
Dinny Jan 16, 2006
Poll Discussion Poll: How old are you? Well, since mathematics IS an exact science... It seems that more than half the ProZ family is
UNDER 50... but it makes me wonder what you
consider as 'middleaged' :-( hm! Maybe I shall
create a poll asking that! ;-)
Dinny Jan 16, 2006
Translator resources Is "How to earn $80,000+.." from useful? Maybe I have better buy the book! It seems that there is something wrong with my
rates! If I work 8 hours a day, translating an
average of 2000 words per day, working for 365
days a year, getting paid 0.1 USD per word...
Dinny Jan 16, 2006
Business issues Purchase Orders (POs): a must? A PO is a must - and not only by email I have just "celebrated" my first non-payment
ever (without due cause) and the lawyer which is
taking care of this told me that even though a
regular PO was issued (and sent by email) an
Dinny Jan 14, 2006 Translator Coop Project History (plus feedback!) features updated. Members are invited to use it! Thank you, Colin I have now resubmitted a couple of the pending
projects (adding name of project manager + project
number) and it seems to be working fine, first
request was answered immediately by the p
Dinny Jan 4, 2006
Money matters BB: Why call for entry when there are plenty? BB: Why call for entry when there are plenty? Just recently I subscribed to e-mail
notification of call for entries in BB (I hadn't
noticed before that this possibility existed) and
I'm surprised to see that calls for entry are made
Dinny Jan 4, 2006
Italian Glossario delle frasi fatte Grazie :-) Curioso, questo elenco. Per gli italiani forse
un po' di meno, ma potrebbe essere un test
divertente per stranieri che credono di sapere
l'italiano, perchè sicuramente ce ne saranno un<
Dinny Jan 4, 2006
KudoZ Thanks from a newbie Eurodicautom Hi Thomas, You might also want to try
eurodicautom before going into panic next time.
Even though it is not updated anymore, it still
contains an infinity of useful terms, also
Dinny Jan 2, 2006
Off topic do you travel alone? YESSS! Just like Nadia, I'm a loner and would just hate
to travel with somebody. I don't like to 'adapt'
but I'm also not very good at saying 'no', which
is a terrible combination! So plannin
Dinny Dec 30, 2005 Translator Coop Project History (plus feedback!) features updated. Members are invited to use it! Awaiting a reply from Henry I immediately started to insert some projects
once this new feature was launched - it didn't
take much time since I already had prepared a
similar list of significant jobs in case any ne
Dinny Dec 30, 2005
Off topic Cancer prevention by getting some exposure to the sun I hope to have found the perfect solution I've read the articles these last days about the
importance of vitamin D as well. Moving from
Denmark through a brief (4-years) transition in
Italy and now in Crete I hope to have found
Dinny Dec 29, 2005
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you opened a bank account on another continent to receive dollars or euros? More options would have been useful I think an option for PayPal/Moneybookers might
have been useful? I have NOT opened a bank account
in another country to receive funds, I don't think
I could, but this doesn't mean that
Dinny Dec 28, 2005
Off topic Worst actor/actress in history Some of my favourites are bad? I would really like to see a similar posting on
"" about translators of screenplays
or subtitlers with comments from de Niro, Tom
Hanks, Meg Ryan, etc., etc. ... ;-) O
Dinny Dec 27, 2005
Danish Off-topic, men... Hilsener fra Kreta Glædelig jul derhjemme i kulden. Glæd jer,
stearinlys kommer meget bedre til sin ret i
mørke. Når jeg ser mit lille juletræ stå i
strålende solskin, føles det en lille smule
Dinny Dec 24, 2005

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