Translation glossary: EN-DE Dictionary of Chemistry

Showing entries 1-50 of 219
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English to German
English to German
actinium (Ac)Actinium (Ac) 
English to German
agricultural and silvicultural chemistryland- und forstwirtschaftliche Chemie [Abk.: Landw] 
English to German
alkaline metal, alkali metalAlkalimetalle 
English to German
alkaline-earth metalErdalkalimetalle 
English to German
alpha decayAlphazerfall 
English to German
aluminium (Al)Aluminium (Al) 
English to German
americium (Am)Americium (Am) 
English to German
analytical chemistryanalytische Chemie [Abk.: Anal] 
English to German
antimony (Sb)Antimon, Stibium (Sb) 
English to German
argon (Ar)Argon (Ar) 
English to German
arsenic (As)Arsen (As) 
English to German
astatine (At)Astat (At) 
English to German
atomic weightrelative Atommasse 
English to German
° Celsius (° C)° Celsius (° C) 
English to German
° Fahrenheit (° F)° Fahrenheit (° F) 
English to German
barium (Ba)Barium (Ba) 
English to German
berkelium (Bk)Berkelium (Bk) 
English to German
beryllium (Be)Beryllium (Be) 
English to German
beta decayZerfall, Betazerfall, Beta-Umwandlung 
English to German
binding energyBindungsenergie 
English to German
biochemistryBiochemie [Abk.: Bioch] 
English to German
biologyBiologie [Abk.: Bio] 
English to German
biotechnologyBiotechnologie [Abk.: Biot] 
English to German
bismuth (Bi)Wismut, Bismut (Bi) 
English to German
boiling pointSiedepunkt [K] 
English to German
boron (B)Bor (B) 
English to German
botanyBotanik [Abk.: Bot] 
English to German
bromine (Br)Brom (Br) 
English to German
cadmium (Cd)Cadmium (Cd) 
English to German
caesium (Cs)Cäsium (Cs) 
English to German
calcium (Ca)Calcium (Ca) 
English to German
californium (Cf)Californium (Cf) 
English to German
carbon (C)Kohlenstoff, Carbon (C) 
English to German
ceramicsKeramik [Abk.: Ker] 
English to German
cerium (Ce)Cer (Ce) 
English to German
chemical nomenclaturechemische Nomenklatur [Abk.: Nom] 
English to German
chemistryChemie [Abk.: Ch] 
English to German
chemistry and technology of building materialsChemie und Technologie der Baustoffe [Abk.: Bau] 
English to German
chemistry and technology of cosmetics and perfumesChemie und Technologie der Kosmetika und Riechstoffe [Abk.: Kosmet] 
English to German
chemistry and technology of fermentationGärungschemie und Gärungstechnologie [Abk.: Gär] 
English to German
chemistry and technology of leather manufactureGerbereichemie und Gerbereitechnologie [Abk.: Gerb] 
English to German
chemistry and technology of organic coating materialsChemie und Technologie der Anstrichstoffe [Abk.: Anstr] 
English to German
chemistry and technology of organic dyesChemie und Technologie der organischen Farbstoffe [Abk.: Farb] 
English to German
chemistry and technology of petroleumChemie und Technologie des Erdöls [Abk.: Erdöl] 
English to German
chemistry and technology of plasticsChemie und Technologie der Kunststoffe [Abk.: Kst] 
English to German
chlorine (Cl)Chlor (Cl) 
English to German
chromatographyChromatographie [Abk.: Chromat] 
English to German
chromium (Cr)Chrom (Cr) 
English to German
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