Соединети Американски Држави22:57
Rate per word. $0.14 USD
• B.B.A. in Economics from the University of Texas at Arlington, with M.S. in Management Strategy from Hanyang University in Korea
• Former in-house translator/editor for Korean multinational corporation (LG International)
• 20+ years in Korea, business and translation fields
• Certified at the highest level in Korean proficiency and Korean-to-English translation
• Advanced student and translator of econometrics/statistics for the social sciences
• Former in-house translator/editor for Korean multinational corporation (LG International)
• 20+ years in Korea, business and translation fields
• Certified at the highest level in Korean proficiency and Korean-to-English translation
• Advanced student and translator of econometrics/statistics for the social sciences
Specializing in:
- Финансии (општо)
- Инвестиции / Хартии од вредност
- Економија
- Бизнис/Трговија (општо)
- Менаџмент
- Сметководство
- Патенти
- Маркетинг / Истражување на пазар