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Simon Bruni is an award-winning literary translator with a focus on contemporary Spanish fiction.
Simon combines his profound knowledge of the Spanish language with a supple command of written English, working creatively to bring Spanish voices to life in their new host language.
His many published translations include novels, short stories, videogames and non-fiction.
Simon combines his profound knowledge of the Spanish language with a supple command of written English, working creatively to bring Spanish voices to life in their new host language.
His many published translations include novels, short stories, videogames and non-fiction.
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Specializing in:
- Антропологија
- Спорт / Фитнес / Рекреација
- Општествена наука, социологија, етика итн.
- Меѓународни Организации/Развој/Соработка
- Историја
- Новинарство
- Поезија & Литература
- Бизнис/Трговија (општо)
- Менаџмент
- Туризам & Патување
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