Rate per word €0.07 EUR
Rate per hour €30.00 EUR
In terms of content, I'm most interested in your work's ideational world and getting that across in translation, whether that means adhering closely to the source text's syntax and semantics to maintain a strong German Sprachgefühl, or linguistically adding and adjusting as appropriate for an English one. In terms of form, prose and poetry are my forte. But my creativity's highly visual orientation naturally leans towards comics and screenplays as well. Let's talk about your next project!
Interested in :
Specializing in:
- Поезија & Литература
- Филозофија
- Маркетинг / Истражување на пазар
- Идиоми / Максими / Поговорки
- Кино, Филм, ТВ, Драма
- Лингвистика
- Бизнис/Трговија (општо)
- Право (општо)
- Право: Договор(и)
Language variants:
- Source languages
- Target languages
- англиски – US, Canadian
Your current localization setting
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