Native Arabic translator with excellent command of Italian
We translate movies, documentaries, dramas, audio files, in Arabic & Italian.
I manage a team of qualified professionals, working in their mother tongue and field of expertise.
Contact us for more details
We translate movies, documentaries, dramas, audio files, in Arabic & Italian.
I manage a team of qualified professionals, working in their mother tongue and field of expertise.
Contact us for more details
Subtitling software:
- SDL 2019
- On-line subtitling platfroms
- Subtitle Edit
Specializing in:
- Автоматика & Роботика
- Мебел / Домаќински уреди
- Финансии (општо)
- Инжинерство: Индустриско инжинерство
- Електроника / Електроинжинерство
- Економија
- Градба / Градежништво
- Бизнис/Трговија (општо)
- Сметководство
- Автомобилство / Автомобили & Камиони