I highly recommend Eleonora for translation and subtitling services. Her work was exceptional, delivering accurate translations and well-timed subtitles.
Translation, Editing/proofreading, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Transcription, MT post-editing, Language instruction, Native speaker conversation, Website localization, Project management, Training
англиски на италијански, француски на италијански, шпански на италијански, and 1 more.
Specializes in
Медиуми / Мултимедија, Маркетинг / Истражување на пазар, Туризам & Патување, and 7 more.
5.00 (5 reviews)
I highly recommend Eleonora for translation and subtitling services. Her work was exceptional, delivering accurate translations and well-timed subtitles.
I highly recommend Eleonora for translation and subtitling services. Her work was exceptional, delivering accurate translations and well-timed subtitles.
I highly recommend Eleonora for translation and subtitling services. Her work was exceptional, delivering accurate translations and well-timed subtitles.
It has been a pleasure working with Eleonora. Always prepared to help, very high quality and very nice person to work with!
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