Translation glossary: General

Showing entries 1-23 of 23
auf eigenen Wunsch eine Firma verlassento submit a voluntary resignation 
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echar margaritas a puercosto throw pearls to swine or cast pearls before swine 
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el descargo correspondientedie benötigte Genehmigung 
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en los ya de por sí desiguales niveles de vidaon the already unbalanced standards of living 
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entregar apreciacionesto provide meaningful feedback 
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envidioso/a (adj)envious, jealous 
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hacer una investigaciónto do/conduct research.... 
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in the end, it's all about making moneyal final, todo gira en torno al dinero 
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key user education teamequipo de capacitación a usuarios claves 
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lo mal vistowhat is frowned upon 
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No cumpliéndose estas dos condiciones,If these two conditions are not met, 
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queda a libre elección del presentador.(The speaker) will freely select the topic of his/her presentation 
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raging hormoneshormonas alborotadas, revolucionadas, fuera de control 
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rascar de todos ladosgather funds from everywhere you can 
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sección genéricaallgemeine Angaben 
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the greatest good for the greatest numberel mayor beneficio para la mayoría 
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thump, thump, thumppum, pum, pum 
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tijera (de una bicicleta)(bike) fork 
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to phase outeliminar o desaparecer gradualmente 
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to work through a flow chartexplicar cada uno de los pasos de un diagrama de flujo 
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un mercado mucho más atractivoa much more appealing market 
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un mercado mucho más atractivoa much more appealing market 
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