Translation glossary: Liz Askew's Sp-En general glossary

Showing entries 1-50 of 789
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"cafe con leche"café latte 
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"clasificación de razas de perros"Dog Breed Classification/Classification of Dog Breeds 
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"contrato de elaboración en terceros"third party manufacturing contract/agreement 
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"cotas de la distribución"distribution ratios 
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(...) se escalará (...)will be scaled.. 
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(discusión abierta y) propositivaopen and proactive discussion 
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(tCO2e)toneladas de dióxido de carbono equivalente 
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*** I+D ***Research & Development (R & D) 
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... evitar pararme a pensar....I couldn't help thinking.. 
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... is leaving our despide de nuestra/s oficina/s 
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...que la casuística puede dar lugar a su responsabilidad ...that circumstances/situations can give rise to 
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a cargo del aseguradopayable by the insured 
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a medio montarpartially beaten/whipped/whisked 
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a partir de la cual la mortalidad se disparaat which point mortality/the mortality rate increases sharply 
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Abb. (in this context)ABB 
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abreviación "Pr." en "artículo 446 Pr."Ref 
abrir expediente disciplinario (sport)to open a disciplinary case 
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acción reivindicatoriaaction for recovery 
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accionamiento del interruptorswitch activation 
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acciones de incidencialobbying/advocacy actions 
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acciones de incidencialobbying/advocacy actions 
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Aceites Vehicularescarrier oils 
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acometer un cañeroto fit out with/to equip with a pipe 
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Actualizaciones y Proyecciones en Salud PúblicaCurrent Status and Future Plans in/for Public Health 
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acuerdo de no disponibilidadagreement of the non availability of credit 
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ADEBusiness Administration and Management 
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adquirió por aporte deacquired by contribution from.. 
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aficionada al deporte entendido como espectáculofan of sport as entertainment 
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agregado sin acumularnon consolidated additional case file 
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agricultura campinasmall scale agriculture/small farm agriculture 
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agua de perforacionwater from a drilled well 
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ahorros de capitalcapital savings 
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aislamiento superior e inferior de las arenas productorasupper and lower isolation of productive sands 
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aja (sistema o aja desnebulizadora)mist eliminator system/box 
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ajustar un modeloto fit a model 
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algunas estructuras concentricas no efervecen.several/some concentric structures do not effervesce 
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alimentador de placasplate feeder 
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alojar el probador sólido[does not allow for] the solids tester to be accommodated/lodged 
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altos estructurales y cubetasstructural highs and basins 
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altura consideradaestimated height 
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amarre de taladrosstemming/securing of boreholes 
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Amortiguamiento del sistema eléctricodamping of the electrical system 
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Amputarsehis leg was amputated 
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Análisis de la adhesividad de las partículas con el betúnAnalysis of particle adhesion with bitumen 
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Anclaje con maquina de pierna y varillaanchorage with stoper drill 
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anclajes con forma de bolaball-shaped anchorages/anchors/anchorage system 
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