Translation glossary: Liz Askew's French-English medical glossary

Showing entries 1-50 of 495
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"est fluctuant avec agitation..."fluctuating state of health with agitation 
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"est fluctuant avec agitation..."fluctuating state of health with agitation 
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"redon aspiratif"[Redon's] closed suction drains/drainage 
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"wind-sock" designref. 
англиски на француски
'les parois du pédicule'pedicle walls 
француски на англиски
'OG - oreillete gaucheleft atrium 
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'pour ancrer un ancillaire'to anchor an ancillary tool 
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(neo)adjuvant settingen contexte néoadjuvant 
англиски на француски
- la figure 15 l'aimantation qui crée une période langueur différente- Figure 15: magnetization which creates a different period length 
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0.6/VD en PSG0.6cm/left parasternal long-axis view of the right ventricle (RV 
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36'50036,500 ng/mL 
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a/ccomplete arrythmia 
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accident corticalcortical stroke 
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accident neurologiquenon-haemorrhagic neurological event 
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accoucher dans l'autre sensthe opposite of giving birth 
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ACTCombinaison Thérapeutique à base d'Artémisinine (ACT ou CTA) 
англиски на француски
action depressive cardiaquecardiodepressant effect 
француски на англиски
acute superimposed on chronic respiratory acidosisune acidose respiratoire aigue superposée à/à laquelle se superpose 
англиски на француски
adénopathie coeliomésénteriquepreaortic adenopathy 
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adénopathie rétropectoraleretropectoral adenopathy 
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aire de référencereference lumen area 
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француски на англиски
analyses de premier niveaulevel one tests 
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Anamnèse, instruct/motiv., 5 minhistory taking of motivation and instructions for oral hygiene, 5 minutes 
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Anastomose circulaire bien étachewatertight circular anastomosis 
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anastomose prothéto-prothétique latéro-terminaleend-to-side prostheto-prosthetic anastomosis 
француски на англиски
anémie hyporégénérative sur bloc de maturation de la lignée érythrocytairehyporegenerative anaemia/anemia due to/secondary to blockade of erythroid cell maturation 
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angoisse constitutionnelle à tendance dépressivetrait anxiety with depressive tendencies 
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antibiothérapie perpartaleantibiotics/antibiotic treatment during delivery 
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arceau de scopieradioscopic C-arm 
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artère pulmonaire tronc (APT)pulmonary trunk 
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artérialiséearterialised/arterialized middle cerebral vein 
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artery encasementengainement arteriél/vasculaire 
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article relargantsalting-out article/agent 
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Assistant hospitalierClinical lecturer 
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asymétrie faciale lundifacial assymetry on Monday 
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au statut conventionnelclinically healthy 
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au-delà ou endeçà de l’indication thérapeutique(which would) fall short of or go beyond the therapeutic indication 
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aux dépens de la dérivationat the expense of the bypass 
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avec correction des troubles hématologiques à la suppression du médicamentwith correction of haematological disorders when the medication is stopped 
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avec sécurité àwith a safety margin of 
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avec thrombus parietalise, avalvulation profondewith parietal thrombus, absence of valves of deep veins/valveless deep veins 
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avivéreamed [articular cartilage is removed from bone) 
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avivéexposed/reamed [articular cartilage is removed from bone) 
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ayant de l'expériencetried and tested 
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à distance dewhen there are no episodes of bleeding 
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à la gouttière de torsionin the spiral groove 
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à la pinceusing a basket forceps 
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à peu près tenue mais en forte tension jusqu'au maintien du genou en extensionis just about maintained but with straining until the knee is extended 
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ébranlement lombairecostovertebral angle tenderness 
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