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англиски на персиски (фарси) германски на арапски шпански на арапски англиски на африканс англиски на бенгалски англиски на динка англиски на гујарати англиски на хауса англиски на хинди англиски на игбо англиски на кмер англиски на курдски англиски на малајалам англиски на панјаби англиски на пушто англиски на тајландски англиски на урду англиски на дарски англиски на сомалиски англиски на фулани англиски на свахили англиски на мандинго англиски на малајски англиски на тигринија англиски на зулу англиски на амхарик англиски на оромо англиски на балочи англиски на бурмански англиски на грузијски англиски на хмонг англиски на исландски англиски на кашмирски англиски на казахстански англиски на кинјаруанда англиски на лаошки англиски на македонски англиски на марати англиски на маршалски англиски на монголски англиски на непалски англиски на нигериски англиски на орија англиски на синхалски англиски на сино-тибетски англиски на сундански англиски на тагалог англиски на тајик англиски на татарски англиски на телугу англиски на тибетански англиски на тигре англиски на туркменистански англиски на тви англиски на узбечки англиски на виетнамски англиски на ксоса англиски на лингала англиски на латвиски англиски на турски турски на англиски англиски на француски француски на англиски англиски на германски грчки на италијански германски на јапонски германски на шпански англиски на словенечки англиски на фински фински на англиски англиски на холандски холандски на англиски англиски на кинески англиски на полски англиски на литвански италијански на англиски германски на англиски шведски на англиски бугарски на англиски француски на германски англиски на италијански англиски на јапонски англиски на унгарски англиски на романски англиски на португалски француски на унгарски англиски на руски руски на англиски руски на свахили германски на латвиски англиски на корејски корејски на англиски германски на италијански италијански на германски германски на грчки грчки на германски германски на романски романски на германски германски на молдавски англиски на норвешки италијански на француски англиски на чешки чешки на англиски полски на англиски германски на француски бенгалски на англиски шпански на англиски корејски на јапонски англиски на индонезиски индонезиски на англиски кинески на англиски индонезиски на француски француски на индонезиски норвешки (Бокмал) на англиски англиски на норвешки (Бокмал) англиски на норвешки (Нинорск) норвешки (Нинорск) на англиски германски на словенечки словенечки на германски јапонски на англиски холандски на француски француски на полски волоф на англиски романски на англиски унгарски на англиски шпански на полски полски на шпански холандски на италијански холандски на шпански англиски на волоф босански на англиски англиски на босански англиски на белоруски англиски на баскиски бамбара на англиски англиски на бамбара балочи на англиски азарбејџански на англиски англиски на азарбејџански шпански на холандски италијански на холандски италијански на португалски кинески на француски јапонски на дански дански на јапонски словенечки на полски полски на словенечки грчки на англиски англиски на грчки германски на фински корејски на италијански италијански на корејски индонезиски на кинески кинески на индонезиски персиски (фарси) на руски руски на персиски (фарси) шпански на германски португалски на италијански француски на кинески англиски на асамски англиски на ерменски словачки на шведски шведски на словачки италијански на руски руски на италијански руски на германски германски на руски руски на француски француски на руски шпански на руски руски на шпански португалски на шпански шпански на португалски монголски на англиски сомалиски на англиски дивехи на англиски англиски на дивехи германски на турски турски на германски туркменистански на англиски англиски на арамејски англиски на албански англиски на акански англиски на афар англиски на аколски англиски на абказиски јапонски на арапски корејски на арапски кинески на арапски арапски на турски турски на арапски арапски на холандски холандски на арапски динка на англиски менде на англиски англиски на менде полски на француски
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Изворен текст - англиски ‘ORRY’ CLEARED FOR TAKE-OFF
Qatar Airways, the Official Airline of the 15th Asian Games Doha 2006, has revealed the second themed aircraft to promote the biggest sporting event to be staged in the region.
The logo of the Doha 2006 mascot ‘Orry’ the Oryx was branded on the new arrival to the Qatar Airway’s fleet and joins the first Games branded aircraft, which was unveiled by Qatar Airways CEO Mr. Akbar Al Baker and DAGOC Director General Mr. Abdulla Khalid Al-Qahtani in September.
The first branded Qatar Airways Airbus A330 featured images from two of the 39 sports featured in the Games. One side of the tail has an image of an athlete - the other a cyclist.
Both the tail and rear section of the fuselage are painted in distinct bright colours of yellow and orange, while the legend 'Let the Spirit Move You' is inscribed on the fuselage to promote the spirit of the Games.
Qatar Airways' partnership logo with the Doha 2006 Games is emblazoned across both engines which are painted bright orange, and on either side of the forward section of the aircraft.
The new A330-Games aircraft features the second branded design of striking blue with 'Orry' emblazoned on both sides of the tail.
Mr. Al Baker said the new branded aircraft will act as flying icons. “Our new Airbus A330s will fly around the world in two distinct colour schemes helping promote the Games, which is by far the biggest sporting event ever to be staged in Qatar and, indeed, the region.
“Between now and the Games, we will work closely with the Doha Asian Games Organising Committee to aggressively promote the event, injecting the dedication and enthusiasm we are renowned for, to make the Games one to remember.”
From its hub in Doha, Qatar Airways has developed a global network of destinations, covering Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Indian Subcontinent and the Far East. Qatar Airways says its is adding, on average, one Airbus to its fleet every month and is planning to ‘theme’ up to another ten planes before The Games begins.
Превод - арапски كشف النقاب عن "أوري" استعداداً للانطلاق
كشفت الخطوط الجوية القطرية، الناقل الرسمي لدورة الألعاب الآسيوية الخامسة عشرة المزمع إقامتها بالدوحة 2006، النقاب عن ثاني طائرة تنضم لأسطول القطرية مزينة بألوان وتعويذة الدورة للترويج لأكبر حدث رياضي تشهده المنطقة.
وقد انضمت الطائرة الجديدة التي تم طلاءها بتعويذة دورة الألعاب الآسيوية الدوحة 2006 "أوري" (المها) إلى الأسطول القطري وإلى الطائرة الأولى التي تحمل شعار هذه الدورة والتي تم الكشف عنها في سبتمبر من قبل السيد أكبر الباكر الرئيس التنفيذي للخطوط الجوية القطرية والسيد عبد الله القحطاني، مدير عام اللجنة المنظمة لدورة الألعاب الآسيوية بالدوحة.
تم تزيين الطائرة الأولى التي حملت تعويذة وألوان دورة الألعاب الآسيوية وهي من طراز إيرباص إيه 330 بصورتين لاثنتين من ألعاب الدورة التي يصل عددها إلى 39 لعبة، حيث حمل أحد جانبي الذيل صورة لرياضي ألعاب القوى بينما زين الجانب الآخر بصورة لرياضي يتسابق بالدراجات.
وقد تم طلاء كل من ذيل ومؤخرة الطائرة بألوان زاهية مميزة هي الأصفر والبرتقالي بينما نقشت عبارة 'Let the Spirit Move You' على جسم الطائرة ترويجاً للحكمة التي تمثل جوهر وروح دورة الألعاب الآسيوية.
وقد تم تزيين جانبي المحركات بشعار الشراكة بين الخطوط الجوية القطرية ودورة الألعاب الآسيوية الدوحة 2006، وتم طلاؤهما بلون برتقالي زاهي، وكذا على كل من جانبي القطاع الأمامي من الطائرة.
كما نقش شعار شراكة الخطوط الجوية القطرية مع دورة الألعاب الآسيوية بالدوحة 2006 على جانبي محركي الطائرة اللذين تم طلاؤهما باللون البرتقالي الفاتح وعلى جانبي القسم الأمامي من الطائرة.
وتحمل الطائرة ايرباص إيه 330 الجديدة التصميم الثاني باللون الأزرق الفاتح مع وضع تعويذة الألعاب الآسيوية "أوري" على جانبي الذيل.
ووصف السيد أكبر الباكر الطائرة الجديدة المزينة بألوان وشعارات دورة الألعاب الآسيوية بأنها ستكون بمثابة السفير الطائر؛ حيث قال: "ستحلق طائرات القطرية الجديدة من طراز ايرباص إيه 330 حول العالم مزينة بلونين مميزين للترويج والتعريف بدورة الألعاب الآسيوية، التي تعد أضخم حدث رياضي تحتضنه قطر وتشهده المنطقة بأسرها".
وأردف قائلاً: "سنتعاون مع اللجنة المنظمة لدورة الألعاب الآسيوية بالدوحة من الآن وحتى انتهاءها للترويج بشدة لهذا الحدث وبث روح الحماس والإخلاص التي تشتهر بها الخطوط الجوية القطرية لكي نجعل هذه المناسبة تجربة لا تنسى لكل المشاركين أو المتابعين".
وقد نجحت الخطوط الجوية القطرية – من مركزها في الدوحة – في تسيير رحلاتها الجوية إلى شبكة واسعة من المحطات العالمية التي تغطي أوربا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا وشبه القارة الهندية والشرق الأقصى. وتصرح خطوط الطيران القطرية بأنها تضيف – في المتوسط – طائرة ايرباص إلى أسطولها شهرياً كما أنها تخطط لضم عشرة طائرات "تحمل ألوان وتعويذة دورة الألعاب الآسيوية" قبيل بدء الدورة.
англиски на оромо (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на јоруба (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на кинјаруанда (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на динка (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на игбо (Egyptian Translators Association)
англиски на амхарик (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на тигринија (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на курдски (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на лингала (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на тви (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на фулани (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на сомалиски (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на хмонг (Egyptian Translators Association) англиски на арапски (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network)) арапски на англиски (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network)) арапски на англиски (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network)) француски на арапски (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network)) англиски на арапски (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network))
Arabic Locatrans has been established for over 8 years.
As one of the best, modernized translation agency in the Middle east, Arabic Locatrans is very much focused on quality, with a database of over 120 highly professional, experienced translators, Localizers and DTP Specialists. We are in a unique position to handle complex multi-lingual projects in almost any language. We work with a great number of the most famous clients world wide. MS, HP, IBM, Samsung, Toshiba, Philips, LG, BenQ, Sony, Ericson, Nokia, Sanyo, O2, Mercedes Benz, Toyota, Daewoo, Hundai, Ford, Phizer, Gambro, Tourism Authorities in Egypt, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia, Britain, Scotland, Air France, QUTEL, DAGOC, US Army, US State Departments are list here as examples of our regular clients.
We believe that our role is to help our clients better understand their translation needs, to work with them to ensure they receive the best quality of translation at the most reasonable price.
Translator Selection and Quality Control
In order to maintain high standards all our translators have a recognized qualification in translation, as well as the necessary qualifications within their professional area of expertise. In selecting translators for your project we would match the skills and qualifications of the individuals to the text in order to provide you with a technically correct and stylistically sympathetic end product.
We are dedicated to providing the very best service to all our customers.
We monitor quality in a number of ways and the quality monitoring procedures can be tailored to individual clients or individual projects.
Techniques that we employ to monitor quality include:
1. Objective Measures
These include industry standard quality metrics for assessing translation quality, as well as our own tailored measures for tracking mistakes, wrong terms, misspellings etc. These measures put style aside and judge only the actual mistakes within a document; however, they provide an accurate and accountable measure of quality.
2. Subjective Measures
These include customer surveys and feedback which give a picture of whether the style of the document was correct, as well as whether the overall service received came up to scratch.
We have found that by employing the above techniques, and making the quality measures transparent for client and supplier, the improvement of quality becomes a partnership issue. Quality improves, and the overall cost of translation is reduced dramatically due to fewer errors.
1- Translation: Translation into Arabic and English of commercial leaflets sales brochures legal documents contracts certificates technical manuals computer manuals Military TechnicalTranslation of manuals training guides handouts local authority literature film scripts and packaging materials. Other general subjects are considered upon inspection of text. A database of specific terms is kept for each particular company to ensure consistency in all follow up translations
2- Localization: Localization of Computer Software, Menu Strings and Internet home Pages for PC Windows. Accepts files as HTML, Word for Windows, RTF, TEXT or in other common word processing and DTP software.
3- Proofreading, Editing & Reviewing: Excellent command of proofreading and editing all the translation works. Sometimes, when the translated subject is highly technical I hire other specialists to assist in delivering very high quality work.
4- Typesetting & DTP: Contact Arabic Locatrans today for all of your Multilingual Desktop Publishing needs. We support Mac and IBM platforms and work with a variety of DTP Software as listed below. Our Language experience ranges from European to the more exotic ones such as Arabic, Farsi Urdu.
Arabic Locatrans has specialized in providing services in high quality post-translation typesetting since 2001 to the translation, advertising and marketing industries throughout the U.S. and Europe. Samsung, Benq, Viewsonic, Sanyo, HP, Asus, Toshiba, JVC, Panasonic, Hoover, LG, Gambro, Mercedes Benz, London Governorate, Siemens and Motorola are just a few of the companies that we have had the pleasure of providing services on behalf of our clients.
Whether you have in-house multilingual publishing capabilities or not, Arabic Locatrans can be of assistance to your growing business for small to large projects from beginning to end. Think of us as in-house multilingual DTP Specialists that you can call on when the need arises and receive the highest-quality output within the allotted budget.
Arabic Locatrans. Services can assist you with all of your Multilingual Desktop Publishing needs. We support Mac and IBM platforms, and work with a variety of DTP software in numerous languages. All that is needed is the original version and the translated text. We can then drop in the translated copy into your layout, saving time (and therefore reducing the cost) and ensuring that the exact same text areas and sizes are used as in the original for a ready-to-print finished product. If for any reason the original is not available, not to worry, we can reproduce it to match your hard copy.
Supported Applications
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe FrameMaker
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe PageMaker
Adobe PhotoShop
Corel Presentation/WordPerfect Suite
Macromedia Freehand
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Word
Nissus Writer
And more...
5- Voce-over & Transcription: Arabic voice-over of Commercial Films and Videos, Documentaries & Training audio visuals Transcribing cassette tapes and video tapes from English, Italian and Arabic, and translating them, if requested.
6- Brand Name Analysis: Analyzing and Transchecking brand names for there Local Meaning, linguistic correlations, Positive and Negative Associations, Similarity, preference ...etc. I also staff other transcheckers for the following countries: Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, Yemen, Oman and United Arab Emirates.
Turnaround & Delivery: - Non-Technical Translation: 4500 - 5000words/day (including initial Proofreading and File simple Formats). - Technical Translation: 2500 - 3000words/day (including initial Proofreading and File simple Formats). - In case of high volume assignments, I could arrange a team of translators to carry out the project and commit to deadline.
Multilingual DTP:
We provide full DTP and Typesetting Services in almost all languages.
We have excellent command of all DTP Applications such as:
- Adobe InDesign (All Versions)
- Adobe FrameMaker (All Versions)
- Adobe PageMaker (All Versions)
- Adobe Illustrator (All Versions)
- Adobe Acrobat Distiller (All Versions)
- Adobe Photoshop (All Versions)
- Macromedia Flash
- Macromedia Freehand
- QuarkXpress
I have long been working as full time freelance translator, localizer and proofreader.
I have long experience in so many fields listed below:
1- Technical Translation:
I have long been working for the following companies:
- Samsung
* Printers
* Fax Machines
* Digital Video Camcorders
* Digital Still Cameras
* TFT Monitors
* LCD Monitors
* Mobile Phones
* Pocket PC Phone
- LG
* Laptops
* LCD Monitors
* Mobile Phones
- HP
* Laserjet Printers
* Inkjet Printers
* Fax Machines
* Coppiers
* Scanners
* Multifunction Products
* Projectors
* Laptops
* Digital Still Cameras
- BenQ
* LCD Monitors
* TFT Monitors
* Mobile Phones
* MP3 Players
* SmartPhone
- Panasonic
* Digital Cameras
* HI-FI Stereo
- Hoover
* Vaccum Cleaners
- Ericson
* Mobile Phones
* Radio Communication Devices
- Paintech
* Mobile Phones
- Piko
* TV Monitors
* Vaccum Cleaners
- Foretc Star
* Digital satellite Receiver
- Humax
* Digital satellite Receiver
2- Software Localization
- Bluetooth Technology
- MobileAction
- OSD Localization for Samsung Digimax, Digital Satellite Receivers
3- Legal Field
Legal translations: Assignments, mergers, powers of attorney, deeds & contracts (distribution, purchase and sale, licenses, representation, production, recording, leasing), judgments, international and EU related legislation and jurisprudence, articles of association, by-laws, certificates of acknowledgement deeds, Apostilles, letters rogatory, invoices, consent agreements, wills, conveyance agreements, etc.
- Translating Court Documents for British Commercial and Civil Courts
- Translating Legal documents for UAE Courts
- Translating Legal Documents for American States
- Translating so many High Volume Projects for Iraq
4- Medical Translation
- Translating and Localizing Gambro Brand New Products for Saudi Arabia Markets
- Translating Enforce Medical Books for Iraqi Government
- Translting for Phizer
5- Web Site Localization
- Translation and Localization of many web sites and portals.
6- Localization
- So many localization projects for MS
- So Many localization projects for Philips
7- Business translations:
Commercial presentations, commercial excerpts, reports, business correspondence, human resources, employee manuals.
8- Miscellaneous:
Tourism, music, songs, press releases, videotapes and cassettes, transcriptions, biographies, art catalogues, validation of degrees, birth & death certificates, philosophy, social issues, human rights, education, edutainment, academics, etc.
Samples and references are available upon request.
Клучни зборови: Banking Business Commerce Finance Financial Legal Court Investment Market Marketing Research Arabic Translation Arabic Localization Arabic DTP Arabic Typesetting Medicine Medical Pharmacy Pharmaceuticals Chemistry Chemical Biology Agriculture Zology Botany Tourist Tourism Human Sciences Philosophy Scociology Psychology User Guides Instruction Manual Instruction Guide Troubleshooting Guide Software Hardware Web Site Electronics Engineering Proofreading Editing Brochures vehicles Automotives Home Appliances Construction Reports Equipment Tools IT Technology Information Export War Adaptation Brand Name Analysis Egypt Libya Algeria Tunisia Morocco Sudan Saudi Arabia Jordan Lebanon Qatar United Arab Emirates Dubai Bahrain Iraq Yemen Oman Palastine Kuwait InDesign Quark QuarkXpress FrameMaker Illustrator Adobe Acrobat PageMaker Photoshop Publisher Tageditor Trados Transit De Javu Wordfast LocoStudio
software translation hardware translation it translation website translation usermanual translation software translation brochure translation commercial translation financial translation scientific translation educational translation social translation business translation marketing translation word translation pdf translation html translation xml translation php translation excel translation powrpoint translation database translation trados translation technical translation legal translation law translation medical translation political translation tourism translation literary translation engineering translation economic translation religious translation arabic arabic to english arabic english arabic into english from arabic to english from arabic into english english to arabic english arabic english into arabic from english to arabic from english into arabic technical medical legal financial commercial marketing educational political economic scientific social business literary engineering arabic translation technical arabic translation technical english arabic translation legal arabic translation legal english arabic translation law arabic translation law english arabic translation medical arabic translation medical english arabic translation political arabic translation political english arabic translation tourism arabic translation tourism english arabic translation literary arabic translation literary english arabic translation engineering arabic translation engineering english arabic translation econmic arabic translation econimic english arabic translation religious arabic translation religious english arabic translation software arabic translation software english arabic translation hardware arabic translation hardware english arabic translation it arabic translation it english arabic translation website arabic translation website english arabic translation usermanual arabic translation usermanual english arabic translation software arabic translation software english arabic translation brochure arabic translation brochure english arabic translation commercial arabic translation commercial english arabic translation financial arabic translation financial english arabic translation scientific arabic translation scientific english arabic translation educational arabic translation educational english arabic translation social arabic translation social english arabic translation business arabic translation business english arabic translation marketing arabic translation marketing english arabic translation word arabic translation word english arabic translation pdf arabic translation pdf english arabic translation html arabic translation html english arabic translation xml arabic translation xml english arabic translation php arabic translation php english arabic translation excel arabic translation excel english arabic translation powerpoint arabic translation powrpoint english arabic translation database arabic translation database english arabic translation trados arabic translation trados english arabic translation
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Samsung LG Philips Toshiba Sanyo Sony Panteck Hoover Lure Group Dubai Mobileaction Bluetooth communications IT DTP QA Proofreading Editing Voice-over Brand Name Analysis Technical Writing Copywriting dari pashto Pushto Urdu Singalese Swahili Swedish Fulani Somali Afrikaans Polish Rominian Slovak Slovenian Russian Ukrainian Punjabi Tamil Hindi farsi Persian Kurdish Kurdish sorani English to Arabic
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Albanian, Armenian, Azeri, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian. See more.Banking Business Commerce Finance Financial Legal Court Investment Market Marketing Research Arabic Translation Arabic Localization Arabic DTP Arabic Typesetting Medicine Medical Pharmacy Pharmaceuticals Chemistry Chemical Biology Agriculture Zology Botany Tourist Tourism Human Sciences Philosophy Scociology Psychology User Guides Instruction Manual Instruction Guide Troubleshooting Guide Software Hardware Web Site Electronics Engineering Proofreading Editing Brochures vehicles Automotives Home Appliances Construction Reports Equipment Tools IT Technology Information Export War Adaptation Brand Name Analysis Egypt Libya Algeria Tunisia Morocco Sudan Saudi Arabia Jordan Lebanon Qatar United Arab Emirates Dubai Bahrain Iraq Yemen Oman Palastine Kuwait InDesign Quark QuarkXpress FrameMaker Illustrator Adobe Acrobat PageMaker Photoshop Publisher Tageditor Trados Transit De Javu Wordfast LocoStudio
software translation hardware translation it translation website translation usermanual translation software translation brochure translation commercial translation financial translation scientific translation educational translation social translation business translation marketing translation word translation pdf translation html translation xml translation php translation excel translation powrpoint translation database translation trados translation technical translation legal translation law translation medical translation political translation tourism translation literary translation engineering translation economic translation religious translation arabic arabic to english arabic english arabic into english from arabic to english from arabic into english english to arabic english arabic english into arabic from english to arabic from english into arabic technical medical legal financial commercial marketing educational political economic scientific social business literary engineering arabic translation technical arabic translation technical english arabic translation legal arabic translation legal english arabic translation law arabic translation law english arabic translation medical arabic translation medical english arabic translation political arabic translation political english arabic translation tourism arabic translation tourism english arabic translation literary arabic translation literary english arabic translation engineering arabic translation engineering english arabic translation econmic arabic translation econimic english arabic translation religious arabic translation religious english arabic translation software arabic translation software english arabic translation hardware arabic translation hardware english arabic translation it arabic translation it english arabic translation website arabic translation website english arabic translation usermanual arabic translation usermanual english arabic translation software arabic translation software english arabic translation brochure arabic translation brochure english arabic translation commercial arabic translation commercial english arabic translation financial arabic translation financial english arabic translation scientific arabic translation scientific english arabic translation educational arabic translation educational english arabic translation social arabic translation social english arabic translation business arabic translation business english arabic translation marketing arabic translation marketing english arabic translation word arabic translation word english arabic translation pdf arabic translation pdf english arabic translation html arabic translation html english arabic translation xml arabic translation xml english arabic translation php arabic translation php english arabic translation excel arabic translation excel english arabic translation powerpoint arabic translation powrpoint english arabic translation database arabic translation database english arabic translation trados arabic translation trados english arabic translation
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Samsung LG Philips Toshiba Sanyo Sony Panteck Hoover Lure Group Dubai Mobileaction Bluetooth communications IT DTP QA Proofreading Editing Voice-over Brand Name Analysis Technical Writing Copywriting dari pashto Pushto Urdu Singalese Swahili Swedish Fulani Somali Afrikaans Polish Rominian Slovak Slovenian Russian Ukrainian Punjabi Tamil Hindi farsi Persian Kurdish Kurdish sorani English to Arabic
Arabic to English
French to Arabic
Italian to Arabic
English to Farsi
German to Arabic
Spanish to Arabic
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English to Afrikaans
English to Bengali
English to Bosnian
English to Creek
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English to Gujarati
English to Hausa
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English to Khmer
English to Kurdish
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English to Pushto
English to Romanian
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English to Urdu
English to Ukrainian
English to Dari
English to Somali
English to Fulani
English to Swedish
English to Swahili
English to Norwegian(Nynorsk)
English to Mandingo
English to Malay
English to Tigrinya
English to Zulu
English to Amharic
Albanian, Armenian, Azeri, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (UK), English (USA), Estonian, Finnish, Flemish, French (Canadian), French (European), Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Latin, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (South America), Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese and Welsh.
Official South African languages: Afrikaans, Ndebele, Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Siswati, Tshivenda, Xhosa, Xitsonga and Zulu.
Other African languages: Arabic, French, Hausa, Igbo, Nama/Damara, Otjiherero, Portuguese (Angola), Portuguese (Mozambique), Shona, Swahili and Yoruba, Twi, dinka, lingala, marathi, kurdish, sorani, kurmanci, kurmaanji, bediniSwahili
Acholi Arabic Albanian Assamese
Afar Burmese Armenian Bengali
Afrikaans Cebuano Azerbaijani Gujarati
Amharic Chinese (Simplified) Belarusian Hindi
Bambara Chinese (Traditional) Bosnian Kannada
Bemba Dari (Afghan Farsi) Catalan Konkani
Berber Dzongkha Creole Malayalam
Chichewa Farsi Kazakh Marathi
Dinka Filipino Serbian Mirpuri
Fula Fukienese Serbo-Croatian Oriya
Fulani Hmong Turkish Punjabi
Hausa Ilocano Turkmen Sanskrit
Igbo Ilongo Sylheti
Kikongo Indonesian Bahasa Tamil
Kinyarwanda Japanese Telugu
Kirundi Karen Urdu
Krio Khmer
Lari Korean
Lingala Kurdish (Sorani)
Luganda/Ganda Kurdish (Kurmanji)
Malagasy Kurdish (Bahdini)
Mandinka/Mandingo Lao
Mauritian Creole Malay Bahasa
North Sotho/Sepedi Nepali
Ndebele Pashto (Afghani)
Nuer Sindhi
Oromo Singhalese
Shona Tagalog
Somali Tajik
South Sotho/Sesotho Thai
Swahili Vietnamese
Zulu. See less.