Јазици на кои работи:
англиски на македонски
македонски на англиски
српски на македонски

Irena Kacarski-Kimova
Conference interpreter, MATA founder

Skopje, Sopiste, Македонија
Локално време: 00:15 CET (GMT+1)

Мајчин јазик: македонски Native in македонски
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Conference interpreter with over 28 years of interpreting experience (>700 international conference days).

Languages: A Macedonian, B English, C BSCM.

I was among the official interpreters during Macedonia's accession negotiations to the World Trade Organization. I am also a Sworn translator and interpreter accredited by the Macedonian Ministry of Justice.

Translator: Over 11.000.000 words translated in the listed areas.

Areas of specialization include: law; politics/government, judiciary, democracy incl. human rights, asylum, migration; finance,
economy, international trade; international development, EU policies, EU enlargement, international organizations; security, police, anti-terrorism; labor, agriculture; environment, renewable energy resources, education/training, psychology.

Consultant.  Owner of a language consultancy TOLK where I also offers T&I related consulting services and training. Feel free to visit my website www.tolk.mk (EN version coming soon).

I am proud to be one of the founders and the first president of the Macedonian Association of Translators and Interpreters (MATA). At present I am leading the MATA WG Standards. And I am also chairing the Technical Committee 39 on Languages, Terminology, Translation, Interpreting and the Related Technology with the Macedonian Standardization Institute.

Please feel free to visit www.tolk.mk or contact me for more information.

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Вкупно заработени поени: 331
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Главни јазици (PRO)
англиски на македонски185
македонски на англиски99
српско-хрватски на англиски11
српски на англиски8
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Бизнис/Трговија (општо)28
Образование / Педагогија12
Човечки ресурси11
Поени во 21 повеќе области >

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Клучни зборови: conference interpreter, interpreter, conference, interpreting, Macedonian conference interpreter, remote interpreter, remote simultaneous interpreter, distance interpreter, online interpreter for English and Macedonian, RSI. See more.conference interpreter, interpreter, conference, interpreting, Macedonian conference interpreter, remote interpreter, remote simultaneous interpreter, distance interpreter, online interpreter for English and Macedonian, RSI, DSI, translator, Macedonian translator, English to Macedonian interpreter, English to Macedonian conference interpreter, Macedonian to English conference interpreter, English to Macedonian translator, Macedonian to English translator, Macedonian legal translator, politics, contract law, tort law, commercial law, international law, international organizations, EU, EU legislation, EU Acquis, правен, правен превод, терминологија, финансии, финансиски превод, политика, договорно право, облигациони односи, проширување, Европска унија, ЕУ, директиви, силултан преведувач, консеутивен преведувач, EU enlargement, EU directives, corporate law, corporate social responsibility, company law, trade, trade law, customs, border control, Single Window, consulting services, ISO standards, MKS standards, training for translators and interpreters. See less.

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